Preparation for BallistiX - What is the purpose of each polishing pad?
Although BallistiX does not require sanding before application, there is still some preparation that needs to be done. You will need to use specific polishing pads depending on the type of surface you are applying the product to. Here is the purpose of each color of pad:
Black Recommended 3M Pad: 3M7300
Must contain abrasive Ensure you have stripping pads Often, black pads are confused with hog's hair pads. Good stripping pads will contain diamond and will cost at least $25 per pad. Black pads are used to prepare/clean concrete and repair BallistiX products. DO NOT use black pads on epoxies or scratchable materials. The black pad is equivalent to a 100 grit DIP paper. When using tools to prepare, often spray with 99% ISO for dust control or use a dust shield / skirt.
Primary Use: Concrete repair and preparation
Average Use: 500 sq ft per side
Brown Recommended 3M Pad: 3MSPP
Brown pads are used similarly to black pads. Commonly used to clean polished concrete, acrylics, and urethanes without damaging or scratching. Brown pads are also useful for removing joint compounds, paint, and adhesives. They are helpful for profiling organic coatings without leaving visible scratch patterns. They can be used in place of blue pads if blue pads are unavailable.
Primary Use: Concrete preparation
Average Use: 700 sq ft per side
Green Recommended 3M Pad: VA Abrasive
Green pads can be used to aid in BallistiX remediation or repair on epoxy coatings if BallistiX is in a pliable state. Typically within 24 hours of application, if a mop mark is present during installation, a green pad can be used to remove shine for a consistent finish.
Primary Use: BallistiX repair on epoxy
Average Use: 500 sq ft per side
Blue / Turquoise Recommended 3M Pad: 3M5300
Turquoise pads are used to deep clean coatings that are actively outgassing, such as solvent-based epoxies and acrylics. Turquoise pads are only used in this case and are not designed for profiling. If solvent-based products have time to complete their cure (usually 7 days, influenced by temperature/variables. Refer to product technical data sheets used). If epoxy is effectively cleaned, the surface becomes completely matte and free of any shine. As with other pads, it is recommended to use a light mist of 99% ISO.
Primary Use: Epoxy preparation
Average Use: 1000 sq ft per side
Red Recommended 3M Pad: 3M5100
Similar to turquoise pads, red pads are used to clean epoxies and other organic coatings. To be used after turquoise pad in non-cured settings or by itself as a first option for cured materials. The red pad does not offer deep cleaning but will remove most light surfactants. The red pad will also enhance shine removed by turquoise pad. If turquoise pad is used with 99% ISO, red pad can be used dry. If turquoise pad is not used first, use of 99% ISO is recommended.
Primary Use: Epoxy preparation
Average Use: 1000 sq ft per side
White Recommended 3M Pad: 3M4100
The white pad is the least aggressive and is most often used to enhance shine on cleaned epoxies and to remove small pieces of silica and dust from substrate pores. The white pad is never used without first using appropriate abrasive pads. Most often used dry or with an extremely fine mist of 99% ISO.
Primary Use: Epoxy preparation
Average Use: 1500 sq ft per side
Sanding Paper Sanding papers are most often used for BallistiX coating remediation or repair. REMINDER: BallistiX will bond even to glass if clean! If epoxy requires sanding to remove debris before BallistiX installation, use a 600-grit screen by default. If unavailable, the profile should be left at a minimum of 320 grit. PRO TIP: When sanding epoxy, your floor will become more porous, significantly affecting coverage rates. Avoid sanding if possible. If a lower grit is required, ensure slow and gentle progression up to at least 320 grit, i.e., 60, 80, 120, 150, 180, 220, 320. When performing steps, cross to remove all scratches and notches as BallistiX will not fill deep scratches. It is recommended to use 99% ISO between steps.
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